Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Custom Coveralls - GWAR Eternal Tour updates!!!

2014 "GWAR Eternal Tour" Updates!!!

These addittions to my coveralls took me 2 days.
As I worked on these, I posted pictures of them onto my random social media sites, and the drawings were all "Liked" by Matt Maguire, A.K.A. Sawborg Destructo!

I used
  • My Old Coveralls
  • Sharpies
This one is part of my personal collection.

I noticed that this thing was missing Flattus Maximus, so I added him right by Oderus, since the two of them have both passed into the abyss.

Pustulus Maximus is my favorite of the new Scumdogs, so I drew him first. I send His Human Slave Brent Purgason this picture, and he liked it a lot. I bothered him so much that he agreed to mail me stuff. I'm a horrid goblin.

I drew Blöthar 2nd, because I decided to continue going in the order they arrived. I saw Pustulus play with Oderus the year before, and I went to the 5th GWARBQ where they had the Viking funeral for Oderus and introduced us to Blöthar.  I've sent him a few messages, he has yet to respond. He hates me because I made him pose in a selfie with me, I just know it! (kidding)

I then hurriedly tried to draw Vulvatron, but messed her up horribly. It was the night before the show and I had only a few images from the internet to go off of, so I intend to try and repair her in the future. I also intend to add more characters like $leazy, Sawborg Destructo, Bonesnapper, Sexecutioner, Slymenstra, World Maggot,Gor-Gor and so on...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Custom Coveralls - Awesome bloody coveralls

2001-2014 Coveralls!!!

This lovely shirt was done over the span of 3 days. Back in 2001
I wore this to a number of concerts, and have had Both Dave Brockie and Mike Derks comment on it at live shows while roaming the venue as humans before they gear up and rock!

I used
  • White Coveralls
  • Alcohol Based Markers
  • Paint Markers

This one is in my personal collection.

at the 2014 "GWAR Eternal Tour" in Memory of Dave Brockie
  I got Jizmak to sign these. As you can see, I also added the new Scumdogs, and those can be found in another post.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Custom XL T-shirt - Slymenstra Hymen tribute shirt


This lovely shirt was done over the span of 3 days.
This was the first of my "GWAR Themed Shirts" I did for someone Else.
This forced me to make my little #BoxProjector
I used
  • 100% cotton Black T-shirt
  • Bleach
  • Alcohol Based Markers
  • Paint Markers
  • Puffy Paint
  • Scotch Guard

This one shipped out to GA

Custom Lg T-shirt. - GWAR Cave Troll


This lovely shirt was done over the span of 3 days.
This was the first of my "GWAR Themed Shirts" I did for nobody specific.
It depicts a fun hybrid of the original "Cave Troll" idea, and what Bonesnapper came to be.

I used
  • 100% cotton Black T-shirt
  • Bleach
  • Alcohol Based Markers
  • Paint Markers
  • Puffy Paint
  • Scotch Guard

This one went out to VT!